Relationship; family; friendship; healthy relationship
Relationship with Yourself

The most important person in your life, is YOU!

Only you are able to meet your needs, desires and navigate your life experiences. Without the awareness for how to meet your own needs, and prioritise yourself. You will find your experiences and relationships will be more challenging, possibly even disappointing and painful.

By gaining awareness and learning how to create and have a healthy, loving relationship with yourself. You will then be able to have that ripple out through all your relationships.

Relationship with Family

Family and the people that are involved in your early life experiences. Play a huge role in who you become as an adult, how you navigate your adult life, the beliefs you have and so much more.

To change the type of relationships you have within your family circles. You first need to learn what has influenced and impacted certain past experiences.

Relationship with Friends

Friendships are another 'piece of the puzzle,' for supporting overall wellness in our lives. They play an important role in what influences our beliefs, confidence, actions and certain experiences in your life.

Learn how to create healthy, respectful and mutual investing friendships. While also learning how to have healthy friendship breakups.

Healthy relationships are a vital component of health and emotional well-being. They are crucial to our survival and development.

In healthy relationships you can feel safe, respected and accepted for who you are. In unhealthy relationships you can feel anxious, confused, uncertain and even unsafe.

Committing to learning and educating yourself, for how to deepen and improve your relationships. Will be a game changer for how you navigate your life.

Miisha Jade

I am a Holistic Spiritual Therapist, combining multiple modalities, life experience & experience working with clients, to create the 6 Core Foundations for creating harmony in your life & relationships.

Helping you to know yourself on a deeper level & use the 6 Core Foundations for the longevity of your life.

"Love cures people—both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it."

-Karl Menninger